1. Clone GitHub Repositories
Copy git clone https://github.com/airchains-network/evm-station.git
git clone https://github.com/airchains-network/tracks.git
2. Setting Up and Running the EVM Station:
Copy /bin/bash ./scripts/local-setup.sh
/bin/bash ./scripts/local-start.sh
Get Your Private Key of EVM Station
Copy /bin/bash ./scripts/local-keys.sh
Copy β‘ root@vmi1797354 ξ° ~/evm-station ξ° ξ master Β± ξ° /bin/bash ./scripts/local-keys.sh
Save private key to import MetaMask Wallet
3. Setting Up DA Keys and Running DA Client: (Eigen)
Copy wget https://github.com/airchains-network/tracks/releases/download/v0.0.2/eigenlayer
Create and List Keys:
Copy ./eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type ecdsa [keyname]
Copy eigenlayer operator keys create --key-type ecdsa test
? Enter password to encrypt the ecdsa private key:
ECDSA Private Key (Hex): b3eba201405d5b5f7aaa9adf6bb734dc6c0f448ef64dd39df80ca2d92fca6d7b
Please backup the above private key hex in safe place.
Key location: /home/ubuntu/.eigenlayer/operator_keys/test.ecdsa.key.json
Public Key hex: f87ee475109c2943038b3c006b8a004ee17bebf3357d10d8f63ef202c5c28723906533dccfda5d76c1da0a9f05cc6d32085ca1af8aaab5a28171474b1ad0aa68
Ethereum Address 0x6a8c0D554a694899041E52a91B4EC3Ff23d8aBD5
Remember this PUB_KEY
4. Setting Up and Running Tracks:
Open new tmux tab
Copy sudo rm -rf ~/.tracks
Initiate Sequencer:
Copy go run cmd/main.go init --daRpc "da-rpc" --daKey "daKey" --daType "<da-type>" --moniker "<moniker-name>" --stationRpc "" --stationAPI "" --stationType "evm"
--daRpc: "disperser-holesky.eigenda.xyz"
--daKey: <PUB KEY of DA key>
--moniker: "moniker name"
Copy go run cmd/main.go init --daRpc "disperser-holesky.eigenda.xyz" --daKey "6a822c60ca15c81e824df6c2ff83f050224473bcbaabccab2d8ac084a7749fbb745c3ae96c0b3964083409c39d074cb6000ddb8b093ca3e98bde7c78f794267e" --daType "eigen" --moniker "JosephTran" --stationRpc "" --stationAPI "" --stationType "evm"
Create Keys for Junction:
Generate keys for the Junction component using the following command:
Copy go run cmd/main.go keys junction --accountName <account-name> --accountPath $HOME/.tracks/junction-accounts/keys
Replace <account-name>
Copy go run cmd/main.go keys junction --accountName josephtran --accountPath $HOME/.tracks/junction-accounts/keys
Copy [2024-06-27 08:04:19] Β» Account created: josephtran
[2024-06-27 08:04:19] Β» Mnemonic: (save your seed phrase)
[2024-06-27 08:04:19] Β» Address: air124y5xaxaxjj3mfj5ek7kuv2l3347ylumt9jhr9
[2024-06-27 08:04:19] Β» Please save this mnemonic key for account recovery
[2024-06-27 08:04:19] Β» Please save this address for future reference
Faucet token AMF for this wallet: air124y5xaxaxjj3mfj5ek7kuv2l3347ylumt9jhr9
Initiate Prover:
Copy go run cmd/main.go prover v1EVM
Copy 08:05:55 INF compiling circuit08:05:55
INF parsed circuit inputs nbPublic=150 nbSecret=008:05:56 INF building constraint builder nbConstraints=47975
[2024-06-27 08:06:43] Β» Proving key and Verification key generated and saved successfully
Create Station on Junction:
Copy go run cmd/main.go create-station --accountName <account-name> --accountPath $HOME/.tracks/junction-accounts/keys --jsonRPC "https://junction-testnet-rpc.synergynodes.com/" --info "EVM Track" --tracks <wallet-address> --bootstrapNode "/ip4/<node_id>"
Copy go run cmd/main.go create-station --accountName josephtran02 --accountPath $HOME/.tracks/junction-accounts/keys --jsonRPC "https://junction-testnet-rpc.synergynodes.com/" --info "EVM Track" --tracks air15s968ffwy7xykj83fmyhsm47zhptm3kj5l4949 --bootstrapNode "/ip4/"
--account-name josephtran
--jsonRPC https://junction-testnet-rpc.synergynodes.com/
--track air124y5xaxaxjj3mfj5ek7kuv2l3347ylumt9jhr9
--bootstrapNode: /ip4/<IP_VPS>
You can find Node ID at: sequencer.toml
Copy nano /root/.tracks/config/sequencer.toml
Copy [2024-06-27 08:35:49] Β» tracks address: air124y5xaxaxjj3mfj5ek7kuv2l3347ylumt9jhr9
accountAddress: air124y5xaxaxjj3mfj5ek7kuv2l3347ylumt9jhr9
[2024-06-27 08:35:49] Β» Currently user have 1.000000AMF
[2024-06-27 08:36:03] Β» tx hash: A68BC3CDD523BA300B9474CDA9723B553FC96CF7EB682A77260481A43BAB9DD1
[2024-06-27 08:36:03] Β» /root/.tracks/config/genesis.json created
[2024-06-27 08:36:03] Β» vrfPrivKey ID: d929534a15xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe67402a5a8ad57542e97b0d
[2024-06-27 08:36:03] Β» vrfPubKey ID: 86767xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx40228c6fb5043a921414
[2024-06-27 08:36:03] Β» Successfully Created VRF public and private Keys
[2024-06-27 08:36:03] Β» Successfully created station
Start Node:
Copy go run cmd/main.go start
Add Wallet and your network to Meta mask:
Use private key which created by /bin/bash ./scripts/local-keys.sh
Add Network:
Open EVM RPC port to connect from Client:
Copy nano /root/.evmosd/config/app.toml
Copy ###############################################################################
### JSON RPC Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the gRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Address defines the EVM RPC HTTP server address to bind to.
address = ""
Restart EVM Station:
Copy /bin/bash ./scripts/local-start.sh
Add wallet from Client:
*Chain ID will auto get after input URL network:
Choose Network name & Token Symbol
You can see your coin:
Source: https://service.josephtran.xyz/testnet/airchains/evm-zk-rollup
Last updated 4 months ago