1. For manual upgrade
Upgrade story-geth:
Stop story-geth
Copy sudo systemctl stop story-geth
Download new story-geth binary v0.10.1
Copy cd $HOME
rm geth-linux-amd64
wget https://github.com/piplabs/story-geth/releases/download/v0.10.1/geth-linux-amd64
chmod +x geth-linux-amd64
mv $HOME /geth-linux-amd64 $HOME /go/bin/story-gethsource $HOME /.bash_profile
story-geth version
Start story-geth
Copy sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \
sudo systemctl start story-geth && \
sudo journalctl -u story-geth -f -o cat
All node operators must upgrade to Story client version v0.130 at block height 858,000
Stop node
Copy sudo systemctl stop story
Download new binary v0.13.1
Copy cd $HOME
rm story-linux-amd64
wget https://github.com/piplabs/story/releases/download/v0.13.1/story-linux-amd64
Replace new binary version
Copy chmod +x story-linux-amd64
cp $HOME /story-linux-amd64 $HOME /go/bin/storysource
story version
Restart node
Copy sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \
sudo systemctl start story && \
sudo systemctl status story && \
sudo journalctl -u story -f -o cat
2. For Cosmovisor auto upgrade
Upgrade latest cosmovisor version v1.7.0
Copy source $HOME /.bash_profile
go install cosmossdk.io/tools/cosmovisor/cmd/cosmovisor@latest
cosmovisor version
Create upgrades folder
Copy mkdir -p $HOME /.story/story/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.13.1/bin
Download Story binary v0.13.0
Copy #download binay
cd $HOME
rm story-linux-amd64
wget https://github.com/piplabs/story/releases/download/v0.13.1/story-linux-amd64
chmod +x story-linux-amd64
Copy new binary to upgrades folder
Copy # Copy new version binary to upgrade folder
sudo cp $HOME /story-linux-amd64 $HOME /.story/story/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.13.1/bin/story
Add Upgrade Information for new version
Copy echo '{"name":"v0.13.1","time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","height":858000}' > $HOME /.story/story/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.13.0/upgrade-info.json
5. Verify the Setup
Copy # Check the story version in current folder. It should be old version is v0.12.1
$HOME/.story/story/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.12.1/bin/story version
Copy # Check the new binary version in upgrade folder. It should be new version v0.13.0
$HOME/.story/story/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.13.0/bin/story version
Copy # Check upgrade info
cat $HOME /.story/story/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.13.0/upgrade-info.json
5. Set schedule for upgrade:
To schedule an upgrade to a new client version at a specific block height, cosmovisor should already be running. Once confirmed, open a separate terminal and run:
Copy source $HOME /.bash_profile
cosmovisor add-upgrade v0.13.0 $HOME /.story/story/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.13.0/bin/story --force --upgrade-height 858000
From now please do not stop and restart node before block 858,000 . Because it will run forcely with new binary.
If you need to restart the node unexpectedly, please setup again:
Copy rm -rf $HOME/.story/story/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.13.0
Copy rm $HOME/.story/story/cosmovisor/current
Setup symlink v0.12.1 back:
Copy ln -s $HOME/.story/story/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.12.1 $HOME/.story/story/cosmovisor/current
Finally Start node & setup v0.13.0 with Cosmosvisor again.