🟢Dill Chain

Minimum hardware requirement 2 Cores, 2G Ram, min 40G SSD, Ubuntu 22.04.

Twitter: https://x.com/dill_xyz_

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dill

Explorer: https://andes.dill.xyz/

Guide Docs: https://past-chokeberry-e85.notion.site/andes-doc-a23a9f71a85a4be9a6737e54d2674060

1. Server preparation

sudo apt update && apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install wget curl make clang net-tools pkg-config libssl-dev build-essential jq lz4 gcc unzip snapd -y

2. Install Node

2.1 Download & Extract the package

cd $HOME && curl -O https://dill-release.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/linux/dill.tar.gz && \
tar -xzvf dill.tar.gz && cd dill

2.2 Generate Validator Keys

./dill_validators_gen new-mnemonic --num_validators=1 --chain=andes --folder=./

sample output

ubuntu@ip-xxxx:~/dill$ ./dill_validators_gen new-mnemonic --num_validators=1 --chain=andes --folder=./

***Using the tool on an offline and secure device is highly recommended to keep your mnemonic safe.***

Please choose your language ['1. العربية', '2. ελληνικά', '3. English', '4. Français', '5. Bahasa melayu', '6. Italiano', '7. 日本語', '8. 한국어', '9. Português do Brasil', '10. român', '11. Türkçe', '12. 简体中文']:  [English]: 3
Please choose the language of the mnemonic word list ['1. 简体中文', '2. 繁體中文', '3. čeština', '4. English', '5. Italiano', '6. 한국어', '7. Português', '8. Español']:  [english]: 4
Create a password that secures your validator keystore(s). You will need to re-enter this to decrypt them when you setup your Dill validators.:
Repeat your keystore password for confirmation:
The amount of DILL token to be deposited(2500 by default). [2500]:
This is your mnemonic (seed phrase). Write it down and store it safely. It is the ONLY way to retrieve your deposit.

Creating your keys.
Creating your keystores:	  [####################################]  1/1
Verifying your keystores:	  [####################################]  1/1
Verifying your deposits:	  [####################################]  1/1

Your keys can be found at: ./validator_keys

Press any key.

This will generate the validator keys and save them in ./validator_keys directory

ls -ltr ./validator_keys

2.3 Import your keys to your keystore

./dill-node accounts import --andes --wallet-dir ./keystore --keys-dir validator_keys/ --accept-terms-of-use

2.4 Write the password you configured in the previous step into a file:

echo nodesync@123 > walletPw.txt

nodesync@123 is your password, You can change it.

2.5 Start the light validator node

./start_light.sh -p walletPw.txt

sample output

ubuntu@xxxxx:~/dill$ ./start_light.sh -p walletPw.txt
Option --pwdfile, argument 'walletPw.txt'
Remaining arguments:
using password file at walletPw.txt
start light node
start light node done
ubuntu@xxxxx:~/dill$ nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout

2.6 Check health node

./health_check.sh -v

3. Staking

3.1 Faucet

Get faucet into your EVM wallet from the Andes channel. Your wallet form before on galxe.

Use WinSCP or Terminus, Then go to folder /dill/validator_keys directory and get your deposit_data-xxxx.json file and upload it to the site bellow.

Upload deposit_data-*.json

Connect to MetaMask,make sure you have enough balance(>2500 DILL)

Send deposit,using MetaMask to send a deposit transaction

4. Services Management

cd $HOME/dill

4.1 Check health node

./health_check.sh -v

4.2 Stop node

ps -ef | grep dill-node | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

4.3 Start node

./start_light.sh -p walletPw.txt

4.4 Check logs

tail -f -n 100 $HOME/dill/light_node/logs/dill.log

4.5 Check on Explorer

Copy your pubkey in file deposit_data-xxxx.json and search it on explorer: https://andes.dill.xyz/validators

5. Fix port 8080 (change to 8081)

5.1 Stop node

cd $HOME/dill
ps -ef | grep dill-node | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

5.1 Update file (use port 8081)

rm -rf $HOME/dill/health_check.sh && rm -rf $HOME/dill/start_light.sh && \
wget -O  $HOME/dill/start_light.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodesynctop/Dill/main/start_light.sh && \
wget -O  $HOME/dill/health_check.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodesynctop/Dill/main/health_check.sh && \
chmod +x health_check.sh && chmod +x start_light.sh

5.2 Start node

./start_light.sh -p walletPw.txt

Last updated